NAPIT backs petition to tackle tool theft

Steve Humphreys, Technical Commercial Manager at NAPIT, urges the industry to back the petition to ban the sale of used power tools at car boot sales and markets.

A petition has been launched calling for the Government to ban the sale of used power tools at car boot sales and markets.  Every year hundreds of car boot sales and markets occur across the UK giving tool thieves access to a platform to sell stolen power tools for easy money.

The petition suggests that these second-hand markets are a major reason for tool theft from vans.

It issues a plea to the Government to take action against tool theft and impose a £10,000 fine for organisers of car boot sales or markets where stolen power tools are sold.

Thus far, the petition has reached more than 45,000 signatures, and if it reaches 100,000 signatures it will be considered for debate in Parliament.

NAPIT backs this petition and believes that more must be done to protect tradespeople from falling victim to having their tools stolen from work vans.

Power tools are an everyday essential piece of kit that electricians and other tradespeople require to carry out their day-to-day jobs.

The effect of having these tools stolen has huge financial implications for victims which can cause some to suffer with added stress and anxiety.

This crime needs to be taken seriously, as the replacement of tools is often expensive. Recent data released by Direct Line Business Insurance suggest that tools worth £98 million were stolen from tradespeople in 2023.

In total, 44,514 incidents of tool theft were reported to police forces in 2023 a five per cent increase from 2022, which equates to a tool theft reported every 12 minutes. We need a deterrent to stop the thieves, who usually only sell expensive power tools for a few hundred pounds at most.

NAPIT welcomes this petition and would encourage our members and the wider electrical industry to sign the petition. Steve Humphreys, Technical Commercial Manager at NAPIT commented: “During my time on the tools I had my van broken into three times.

“I was self-employed on one of those occasions and I ended up having to replace two battery drills and other equipment at my own expense as the insurance company refused to pay out. It is not only the financial implications but also the psychological effect it has on you, I was scared it was going to happen again.

“As electricians, we can try to protect our tools from being stolen but more needs to be done by insurers, the police, and the Government to protect our livelihoods. I fully support this petition and would encourage all our members and the wider industry to sign it immediately.”

To sign and read more about this petition click the link below:

Ban the sale of used power tools at car boot sales and markets – Petitions (